DIY Fluted Desk for Less Than £100

DIY Fluted Desk for Less Than £100

My DIY fluted/ribbed desk that cost less than £100 to make! Originally I was looking at this HK Living console table to use as my desk in the new living room but it was around the £1000 mark which I just couldn’t justify – especially since all our money is...
Rattan Cane IKEA Bedside Table DIY Hack

Rattan Cane IKEA Bedside Table DIY Hack

Paid partnership with Bosch DIY & Garden.   It’s been a couple of months since our last DIY and I’m so happy to be back at it, and this time, working with Bosch DIY & Garden to get my creativity flowing once again! I’ve up-cycled this IKEA bedside table...
DIY Gold Confetti Pumpkins

DIY Gold Confetti Pumpkins

This post is in collaboration with Hobbycraft. In case any of you are doing a little bit of last minute decorating for Halloween, here’s how to make your very own DIY Confetti Pumpkins! Okay so these were supposed to be Dalmatian print pumpkins, but they didn’t quite...
DIY How To Build a Modern Pond

DIY How To Build a Modern Pond

  This post is sponsored by Mano Mano. Well well well, what a surprise, I’m back with another blog post about the garden. You’ll be glad when it’s winter I’m sure so I stop harping on about it! BUT, one of the things in our garden makeover...