The Crockery You Need For Your Christmas Dinner This Year

A week today and Santa will have been and no doubt by now the entire country will be slobbed out on the sofa unable to move from all the food – I know I will be. But that will not stop me eating like a King on the lead to Christmas as well as during and after… which is what leads me to today’s post – or perhaps just an excuse to eat delicious food all in an attempt to show off my new gold tableware…

I give you, crockery from LSA’s Deco range – also known as the tableware of my dreams, because duh, it’s gold. But actually what I really like about this range (and it comes in glassware too not just crockery), is that each plate, or each glass has a slightly different design which makes the set a little bit more special – and it is just that, this will be used for best there’s no doubt about it. Plus doesn’t it just go perfectly with the gold cutlery?! Styled here is the Dinner plates and the bowls perfect for your Christmas pug! Personally, of all days, I think Champagne is a must on Christmas day so the Deco Champagne Flutes would be a great addition to any table setting, along with the Deco Tumblers. And if you’re a big hot chocolate fan this time of year like me then don’t worry, there’s mugs in the Deco range too! Hell, just treat yourself to the whole set! I mean, have you seen the teapot?

And the food you ask? Well I headed back to a favourite – Heartier. Why didn’t I head to the local supermarket? Well the butchers is always best isn’t it, and that’s what Heartier is – proper, tasty local product, but online for ease – with everything from meat, to cheese, to charcuterie to chocolate! This is the second time I’ve dined, and by dined I mean pigged out on, Heartier produce. This time it was the Cheese and Charcuterie Platter Selection – which was my favourite it has to be said, I’m such a sucker for cold meats and cheese – give me all the Stilton, followed by a delicious Horseshoe Gammon Joint glazed with sugar and honey – as juicy as ever and a great lead up to the festive Christmas – there’s nothing worse than eating Turkey 12 times within the space of two weeks is there? Variety is best so the Gammon was absolutely perfect!

AND, you can use code LUSTLIVING at Heartier which will give you £15 off & free delivery on orders over £50!

If you want to know a little more on Heartier and why it’s so great to shop with them then this is for you:

‘We provide in depth provenance information of every item in your order – who was the butcher? Who was the farmer? Where’s this cheese made? We want our customers to know as much as possible about the people and processes behind their food shop.
All of our lovely producers either rear their own, or source animals from local farms that are solely outdoor reared, outdoor bred and free range.
Everything item is prepared specifically for each customer’s order which means little to nothing is wasted, unlike the huge amounts of produce that is discarded daily by supermarkets.
We deliver the best of small producers, nationwide; something no-one else does.
We aim to deliver from the customer’s most local supplier, hugely reducing their food miles in comparison to a supermarket shop.’

So, what will you be eating this Christmas Day? Traditional Turkey or not a fan like me?

*LSA & Heartier very kindly gifted me the items in this post but as always my words and opinions are my own and I only ever recommend brands that I love!





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