Back to Flower School


Bloom and Wild Flowers

Since I started my blog last last year, this particular challenge has been one of my favourite collaborations. Bloom and Wild have tasked me with creating something fun with their ‘The Caroline’ bouquet for their  ‘Back to Flower School’ Campaign.

If you aren’t familiar with them, Bloom and Wild are an online florist offering carefully selected, hand-packed flowers posted through the door, with free next day delivery.

‘The Caroline’ has been introduced to celebrate Bloom and Wild’s third birthday and this particular bouquet is made up of cerise roses, orange spray roses and craspedia.


After I spotted these Brass Hanging Door Ornaments (actually designed for modern Christmas Wreaths) by Scandinavian brand Stelton, I thought it would be fun to create a bright, floral wreath since I’m not ready to let go of summer just yet. I cut the flowers down to about half their original length and carefully arranged them inside the brass ornament. The ornament comes with two ribbons to hang the ornament, red and green depending on your preference, I chose green as I wanted it to blend in with the leaves. Once all the flowers were arranged properly inside, I tied the ribbon ends together at the back of the bouquet and then tied another knot to create a loop to hang on a wall hook. And then up on the hook it went! You could hang this wreath up on a wall, on a door or on a hook from the ceiling as more of a floral chandelier piece.

Secondly I used this Brass Tangle Cornet Ornament as an example place setting with a selection of short flowers inside, it works really well and would be such a great touch at Christmas around the dinner table.

Lastly, when I realised I didn’t have a vase short enough that wouldn’t drown the flowers which I had cut so short for the wreath, I needed a quick fix – I didn’t want my flowers to go to waste without water and so I resorted to using my Haws Copper Watering Can as a vase. I love the way the bouquet looks in the watering can so I will be sure to remember to use it as a vase again in the future!

There you have it, three different ways to display your flowers as part of my #BackToFlowerSchool Campaign with Bloom and Wild.

Flowers by Bloom & Wild.

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers

Bloom and Wild Flowers




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